I an the strongest and bravest of all the Geats. My father was once a great and mighty hero as well. I am a loyal follower to the king of Geatland. My goal is to hold the title of the greatest hero of all time by wiping threats off the face of the Earth one by one.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Final Battle

As a loyal follower of my leader and king Hygelac, I gave most of my treasure to him upon my return. Once Hygelac and his son are deceased, he assumes the throne of Geatland.
After reigning on the throne for fifty long and thriving years, another mishap occurred. A thief disturbed a ancient dragon's mound where he lived to guard a great collection of treasure. This dishonest act infuriated the dragon and it had every intention of letting that fact be known. It began to unleash it's fiery rage upon the Geats. Acknowledging the fact that age was no longer on my side, I set out to destroy the dragon.
My cousin, Wiglaf, accompanied me on the treacherous adventure. When we had made it to the cave, the battle began. I was no longer the extraordinary fighter I had been in my younger years. The dragon had the upper hand from the very beginning. Regardless, I fought to the best of my abilty.
Amidst my effort, the dragon managed to bite me in the neck and the venom was just too strong. Nonetheless, with Wiglaf's help, the dragon was defeated. That truly had been my final battle. I handed my kingship over to my faithful cousin, knowing he'd take care of my people.

Grendel's Mother

Obviously bitter of her son's demise, Grendel's mother was thirsty for revenge. In her fury, she murdered one of Hrothgar's most trusted advisers then went back to her lair .To avenge his death, a company of Danes and my men accompanied me to her swampland. Once again I was set up to battle.
I dove into her underwater lair carrying only Unferth's sword and wearing a mail shirt. I met many unpleasant sea monsters along the way. That, plus being underwater, gave the mighty water witch the upper hand. Just when I began to lose hope, she carried me to the bottom of her lair into a hall. I found a magical sword made by giants and used that to my advantage. I chopped off the mighty water witch's head with the giant's sword.
While in the lair, I saw Grendel's body. Before emerging, I cut off his head to give to Hrothgar as a prize. I retrieved Hrunting and began swimming toward land to claim my victory.
Having grown tired and worried that I had been killed, the Danes had returned to Heorot. My men remained and were full of joy when I surfaced. We too returned to Heorot where Hrothgar and his people rejoiced for my return. For the first time in a long time, the Danish people could stop living in fear of treacherous monsters.

The Battle With Grendel

Heorot's mead hall had been empty for twelve long years for fear that Grendel would attack. He was a terrible fiend whom no one could defeat. I took it upon myself to travel to Heorot and see what I could do for them. I brought fourteen brave men with me to stand by my side.
When we arrived on the shores of Denmark, we were greeted by one of King Hrothgar's men. He feared that we were there to cause harm, but I hurriedly reassured him that we had arrived in peace. I told the guard of our business in their land, and he lead me to Hrothgar.
After speaking with the king, I explained my plan. Just my men and I stayed the night in the mead hall pretending to sleep while awaiting Grendel's attack. Late in the night, he finally arrived. He was without weapons, so I decided to make it a fair fight. I too did not use weapons of any kind. Also, I fought him alone.My strength and bravery was unlike any man he had ever faced. Grendel, the horrible demon, was afraid.Leaving him mortally wounded, he returned to his cave to die. I hung his arm in the mead hall as a reminder of my victory.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Beowulf and Brecca's Swimming Match

Being the strongest and greatest of the Geats isn't an easy task, but I have achieved it thus far. That being said, I have not won everything.

A childhood friend of mine, Breca, challenged me to a swimming match. The match was to last five night and six days across the ocean. Little did they know, the challenges of this feat ventured far past just swimming across the ocean.

It was said that I left him on his own, but that most certainly was not the case. On the third day, a violent storm started to rage. The heavy flow of the currents spept Breca from my side. I searched and searched for him, but he was no where to be found. The vastness of the ocean had us separated for good.

Not too long after losing Breca, I had a big problem of my own. A large group of sea monsters attacked me! I was all on my own against nine vicious sea monsters. After fighting with all of my heart, I won the battle. But I ultimately lost the match.

Breca had washed up on his home shore before me. Everyone welcomed him with cheer and granted him with the victory.